(Da dieser Service-Blogpost vor allem für britische Staatsbürger interessant sein dürfte, erscheint er ausnahmsweise in englischer Sprache.)
Since not quite half of the Britons are rather unhappy with the outcome of Thursday’s Brexit referendum, some of them came up with pretty creative ideas to sooth their frustration – and to turn things for the better, before it is too late. (Which it technically is, already.) They are now seeking followers to support their ideas, by signing an online petition. Or maybe two. Or four. If you’re not exactly sure which choices you have, help is on its way.
Sign here, if you feel that there should be another referendum, because the first one obviously didn’t work out. You have surely read about those voters, that did their cross in the field for leave, but regrettably weren’t aware, that their vote would count. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/131215
Click here, if you want to support a petition initiated by the Scottish greens for Scotland to remain a member of the EU: https://greens.scot/keep-scotland-in-europe. But please – in order to avoid nasty surprises – be aware, that this might mean for Scotland to leave the United Kingdom, beforehand.
Put your name on this list, if you think that London should declare itself independent from the rest of UK in order to (re-)join EU, because this is the only way to defend its position as the centre of Europe’s financial economy and continue being super-cosmopolitan and stuff. https://www.change.org/p/sadiq-khan-declare-london-independent-from-the-uk-and-apply-to-join-the-eu
In case you don’t care for London too much, but are rather worried about a maybe gloomy out-of-EU-future for Northern Ireland, the petition requesting Irish unity is the one for you. And, given the number of people already signed, this one really needs your support. https://www.change.org/p/arlene-foster-united-ireland
Or enter your data here, if you think that all of this is non-sense, because the United Kingdom urgently needs to re-elect its complete government and that this new government, considering the once-in-a-lifetimeness of the situation, should not only represent the majority of the votes, but each and every one of them. https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/131215
If you can’t find your desired petition here or did set up a fancy petition yourself, that you would love to see featured, please let me know.